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Movie History on the Island


Movie History on the Island

This makes us want to “zig-a-zig-ah!”

Has anyone yet to visit the famous Spice Bus on the Island? It’s changed location a few times, but is has been situated at Island Harbour Marina since 2014, where you can take a look at the historic movie prop. The actual Spice Bus from the Spice Girls’ 1997 movie Spice World is a Spice die-hard fan favourite and it has been available to stay in for small vacations.

The Spice Girls – Emma Bunton (Baby Spice), Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice), Melanie Brown (Scary Spice), Melanie Chisholm (Sporty Spice) and Victoria Addams (Posh Spice) – took centre stage in their feature film “Spice World,” a roller coaster ride which will spiced up all of our lives!

Famously in the film, the brightly-coloured, Union Jack-painted tour bus took the Spice Girls around London, with Dennis at the wheel (played by Meat Loaf) and at the climax of the movie, the bus was destroyed by a bomb (heard off-screen) with no Spice Girl harmed in the making. It was only recently that it was turned into a novelty and fun accommodation – which we would rather like to stay if we are completely honest (…guilty!)



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