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Christmas at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary

Wildheart blog Nov22 copy

Christmas at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary






It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…and Wildheart Animal Sanctuary will once again be hosting their wonderful Christmas Markets this year, over the weekend of 26th and 27th November. ⁠

They have lined up a beautiful, bespoke collection of stalls selling perfect gifts and decorations from local Isle of Wight designer makers and artists.⁠

With Father Christmas within his farm animal grotto plus carols, festive food and mulled wine, the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary is the perfect place to kick off your Christmas shopping and find that perfect gift. It is a wonderful weekend to meet our animals and start feeling those first flutters of Christmas magic.⁠

Normal admission prices have been held for the weekend so click here to book and guarantee your entry or just take your chances and turn up on the day.⁠




16th of December 5.30pm for 6pm⁠

On Friday 16th of December, Wildheart Animal Sanctuary will be hosting an evening carol singing session on the green from – just across the path from Casper and Frosty.

They will be opening the Wildheart Cafe doors from 6pm and the singing will begin at 6:30pm and last approximately an hour.⁠

The singing will be led by the Sorella Acapella and they are sure Casper and Frosty will be delighted and join in with them.⁠

There will be minced pies and mulled wine in The Wildheart Cafe to warm the cockles and raise the festive cheers!

Tickets are £5.00 but free to members. If the weather is utterly atrocious, they will move the singing indoors but they’ll do everything they can to make sure they are singing along with Casper and Frosty.⁠



To book tickets visit Wildheart Animal Sanctuary now

Click here to find out more more information about Wildheart Animal Sanctuary




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